Sunday, 19 November 2017

How to Attract YouTube Subscribers?

How to Attract YouTube Subscribers?

Attracting the eyes and minds of YouTubers is by far one of the most difficult process which takes a lot of time. Still, it's not impossible. So you're probably wondering "How do I do it?" Well, that's what this article we've written is dedicated to.


  1. Image titled Attract YouTube Subscribers Step 1
    Get a good video editing software. This is one the most important parts of the process, so make sure you've got yourself a decent video editing software that shows your viewers that you can edit and are a professional. Most of the 'good' editing softwares out there are a bit pricy, so start off with the ones that provide a free trial limit (normally 30 days). If you're on a Mac, ScreenFlow is the best one to try out due to its numerous features that should make you look like a professional. If you are on Windows, try out Camtasia which provides quality features to make your videos look attractive.

  2. Image titled Attract YouTube Subscribers Step 2
    Get a good image editing software. This will probably be your most used software. The key to get viewers clicking on your videos is thumbnails. You need to assign quality, rich, appealing thumbnails to your videos making them represent the video in just a single image. The best free software, by far, for Mac, Windows, and Linux is Gimp. Gimp is just like Photoshop, only free. Learn what your viewers like, how they like it, and make those type of images. This will eventually make your viewers say "He's really putting in some work", and eventually subscribe.

  3. Image titled Attract YouTube Subscribers Step 3
    Make a promising channel art. The channel art represents what your channel is all about in a single picture. Make it look promising and beautiful. Download the channel art layout which YouTube provides for free, and work on it (using Gimp). Something simple and elegant should be enough. On the other hand, do make sure you add up links such as 3rd party fan-pages on your channel art. This makes your viewers say "He does have a lot" and eventually subscribe.

  4. Image titled Attract YouTube Subscribers Step 4
    Post quality content. Make sure your videos are quality content and by quality; we don't just mean 720p - 1080p, but make them bright! Try you're best not to make them dull and dry. Make sure you cut out the parts of your videos which don't need to be there. Put time and effort in them. Hard work is one of the most important things you'll need to do in order to gain subscribers.
Mohd fouad Web Developer

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