Thursday 9 November 2017


                     YouTube Views

              YouTube Videos


How do I get at least 10000 views on my YouTube video in 1 day?

Follow these tips given below:-

Thumbnails for those of you not familiar with the term are the little images that appear before you click through to a video. You can select which image appears on the back end of Youtube once your video has uploaded and it is vitally important that you select something that is going to entice people to click immediately. Remember that when people search on Youtube they will be presented with 100s of results so in order for your video to stand out it needs to be highly visible.
Embed The Video And Share Wherever You Can-

This is a very obvious one but there is a good chance that most of your views are not going to come on YouTube itself but mostly from third party websites. You should certainly have the video on your own website or blog if relevant and make use of your social media profiles like Facebook and Twitter to get the video going. If you have any friends who might be willing to push it out for you that can work well and if you think the video might be relevant to another blogger or website there is no harm in asking if they would like to feature it.
Create Signposts Or Links To Your Video-
The old saying that people use for websites "build it and they will come" rings very true for video as well (they won't actually come no matter how great you think your website/video is). There are millions of other pieces of content out on the web that are as good if not better than what you have produced so you are going to have to work at it and really spread the word about your video. Creating links and virtual "sign posts" to your video is going to be the key. You'll see a little subscribe button over on the right of our page here on the blog, the Youtube logo appears on all our email signatures and we link through from Facebook and Twitter and all our other social media profiles.
Leave Video Responses-
This is one that works incredibly well but it does take time to implement. Basically any video that is out there on YouTube can have video responses left to it (you'll often see them along the bottom of the main video). You actually have to submit these yourself as a user and if the owner of the original video thinks that they are good enough they will allow it to appear as a video response. You will have to go through videos manually to find places where your video will have a chance of getting accepted but it's a great way to get you video in front of people in your niche who are clearly interested in a similar video and who might just click through to yours next. Again if you have followed the first step of effectively networking with other Youtube users then there is a good chance that plenty of people will accept your video response requests.

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Mohd fouad Web Developer

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