Thursday, 8 February 2018

Double Your Youtube Subscribers.Part 1

How to Double Your YouTube Subscribers (Without Buying Them).

We all know that there is large no. of competition is on youtube Every minute, over 300 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. Many People are uploading their videos regularly from all over the world. 

With that much competition, you might have already counted yourself out and accepted the viewpoint that becoming popular on the platform is hard.

But what if you’re making a social media mistake? What if you could break through the noise and become a popular on YouTube?
One of the best ways of measuring popularity on YouTube is by looking at the number of subscribers you have on the popular social media platform.
The more subscribers you have, the more you can consistently achieve high view counts on your videos.
Not everyone who is uploading a video to YouTube has laid out a strategy that will allow for them to increase subscriber numbers.
And so, this is where the opportunity lies.
If you can come up with a strategy to boost subscriber numbers, you too, will be able to join the companies that are experiencing success with YouTube.
In this post, we’re going to take a look at how you can grow your YouTube subscriber count. We’ll analyze a variety of media marketing strategies and focus on how you can implement them.
By the end you should have a good sense of how to create a strategy that will allow for you to use YouTube as a means to grow your business through social networks.   

Let’s begin! #1. Give your channel a theme.

Before you do anything, you need to give your channel a theme.
If you take a look at a lot of the top YouTube channels, you’ll notice that many of them stick to a theme.
Take a look at the Derek Halpern channel for example.
Notice how a lot of the videos he creates stick to certain topics related to business and success.
Having a theme will help direct all of your later efforts when it comes to creating content.
On top of that, if you give your channel a theme, you can make it the ‘go to’ place for certain types of content. This is the goal of a social media platform.
If your channel caters to a specific niche, then people who care deeply about that niche won’t mind becoming a subscriber.  
In doing so, they’ll learn something new about their topic of interest whenever you post a video — therefore furthering their ability to learn more about a topic they’re passionate about.
For example, imagine that your videos are all about Facebook marketing and you aim to help business owners.
If a business owner who wants to learn more about Facebook marketing subscribes to your channel, they’ll get an update any time you post some content on Facebook marketing.
This provides them with a way to stay ahead of the curve without having to do a lot of work.
This is incredibly valuable when you consider that 50% of small business owners don’t have enough time to get everything done in the first place.
If you’re struggling to come up with a theme for your channel, just think about the problems that your business solves and who it solves those problems for.
Then, produce some videos based on the topics that you know best will help the kind of people that your business serves.

Post incredible content

70% of marketers report that video converts better than other forms of media
If you want to experience results like this, you need to learn how to create incredible content in your media platform.
Plus, if you can create incredible content, then a lot of the work related to growing your subscriber count is done for you already.
When people subscribe to your channel, they’re essentially signing up to get updates whenever a new piece of content is posted.
If your content is great, people won’t mind hearing from you again, because their initial interaction with you and your content was so positive.
Subscribing is worth it, because everytime they click through to your video, they get something that is of value to them.
Whether that’s a learning experience, an entertainment experience or both — it’s worth watching your videos.
And, remember that people make the time to watch great content. 75% of business executives watch work-related videos every week. This is a good foundation for your media platform that will expand social networks.
If you’re content is really good, then you’ll benefit from the fact that 54% of senior executives share content with their social networks.
But, even if your videos are good, you still might need to remind them to subscribe — but it won’t be an uphill battle.
So how do you produce incredible content?
If you want to create incredible content, it’s worth focusing on producing content that is relevant for your target market/audience.
Provided that you’re sticking to a theme as mentioned before, it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a way to produce valuable content.
Let’s say that you want to create a channel that covers the topic of ‘pencil drawing.’
One way we could come up with ideas is by simply entering the broad keyword of ‘pencil drawing’ into the YouTube search engine.
Over 3 billion searches are conducted on YouTube per month. So we know there’s going to be some relevant data here.
When we type in the keyword, we see the suggestions above.
Now, those topics might seem a little broad, so you may want to pick one of those keywords, and go through the same process again so that you can generate something more concise.
Let’s add the word ‘tutorial,’ for instance.
By adding the word tutorial, we are now provided with some more concise keywords.
The fact that these keywords appear in the suggestions lets us know that people are searching for these types of videos.
You might argue that there is a lot of competition for such keywords.
And while that may be true, later on in the post we’ll figure out how we can get people to view our videos, even when there is a lot of competition — so don’t let it be a concern for now.
The great thing about the approach above is that it gives us a place to start from.
If we want to produce content for a certain niche, this technique lets us know what kinds of content people will already have an interest in viewing.
You can also use the Google Keyword tool to come up with some content ideas. That’s because there will be some coherence between Google search results and YouTube search results.
Youtube also happens to be one of the biggest search engines in the world — after all, if people want to find a video they have to search for it right? Combined with social media marketing, the results grow.
Let’s stick with the topic of ‘pencil drawing.’
In the ‘Your product or service’ box, enter a keyword based on your business. If I was running a business that taught people how to do pencil drawing, I’d enter ‘how to do pencil drawing.’
You want to keep the keyword broad at this stage, because it’ll allow for the keyword tool to come up with a wide range of ideas for you.
Once you’ve entered the keyword, you’ll then see this page. It shows several ‘Ad groups’ of keywords.

Mohd fouad Web Developer

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