Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Increase Youtube Views And Subscribers. techack

A. In Making Video(Editing).

#4. Editing-

Take out white space. Create your video, then go into an editor and remove the long pauses, and other distractions in the video. If the video paces faster, people will continue to watch.
Try to have the same lighting while recording your video and keep the same distance from the camera to make the video cuts blend together better.
Increase the speed of the video..1x -(to)-1.25x.

#3. Add Music To Video-

A good audio track can spruce up the video and disguise any audio problems you may have had. YouTube just released an audio library you can choose from at.
If you want to monetize your videos then avoid using copyrighted music and stick to public domain music or the YouTube library.

#2. Include Text Information-

This includes an email address, website, twitter handle and more. Some people may not be watching this video on YouTube. You want them to know who you are in those cases. Text can also keep or direct attention on-screen. Use it to your advantage.Including a link to your channel and other videos in the description can help you get more views.If you want to include links that look a bit too long you can use a link shortener like goo.gl which will make them much easier to read.
Add Substiles or Captions to your video.

#1. Create credits and bloopers-

Put something at the end of your videos to point where they can find you. Add some bloopers or extra footage. People love to see the extras at the end and your watch time might increase. Alternatively, you could have a second separate video that contains the bloopers.
You can mention and link that video at the end, this way if someone watched it then you will have 2 separate video views from the same viewer. People who watch more of your videos are also more likely to subscribe to your channel.

B. Make video Uploaded.

Increase organic views

#4.Comment a lot.

Reply to every Comments.on your videos.
Make Sure to Be Nice and comment on peoples videos. Some people might click on the commenters channel and watch their video.

#3.Create Playlists-

Playlists are lists of videos that play one after the other, just like a playlist of music. If you create an entire playlist of videos, then viewers will be more likely to view more of your videos. For example, if you create a playlist of different videos that display different gymnastics skills, your viewers can watch your video about cartwheels and then transition right into your video about handstands.[3]

#2. Ask viewers to 'Like' or 'Share' the video-

At the end or anytime during the video, ask the viewers to like it or share it by mentioning things like 'it would take 0.12 second to hit that like button'. Its because most of the time, even after people like the video, they don't notice it.
Say something in your video that many people have an opinion on and then asking people to click like if they agree or to comment if they disagree. For example, at the end of a video about your dog, you could say "I don't think dogs should be on a leash when in public. Hit like if you agree, or tell us what you think in the comments".
Simply asking a question in your video can also result in an increase in comments.

#1. Ask For Subscribe-

Getting subscribers is an excellent way of guaranteeing that more viewers will watch your videos. If someone subscribes to you, then they will see all of your newly-uploaded videos on their homepage, and they can even select to be notified via email whenever you've posted a new video. If you want to get more subscribers, you can ask people to subscribe at the end of a video, include an annotation that encourages people to subscribe to your video, or even ask people to subscribe to you over email.
When asking people to subscribe to your video point towards the subscribe button. This will draw focus towards the button and can result in more subscribers.

C.Best And Fast-

The best way to get fast youtube views and subscribers.

Try to Purchase Views.

#1.Consider "buying" views-

Depending on your account and how it is done, this can violate YouTube's Terms of Service and risk the termination of your account.[4] Like any slightly sketchy internet service, it also comes with the risk of being scammed.

2. Look for a guarantee that protects your account-

Choose a provider which guarantees your video won't be removed or your account won't be banned. The best services will offer the following characteristics, some will even offer a money back guarantee:
High retention views: this means the users watch the entire video or at least most part of it. If you buy a lot of views that only watch the first 5 seconds of your video then YouTube may consider your video as something that is boring or uninteresting and they will show your video less in the YouTube search results & recommended videos.
Non-mobile only views: in the past, some users and services have abused this kind of views causing banned accounts and removed videos.
Drip Feed views: it means the views of the video will increase slowly but steady so it looks natural to YouTube.
Mixing your views with extra likes, comments, and subscriptions: this will make the growth in viewership seem more natural.

3.Choose a service according to your budget-

There are a variety of companies that offer this service at different rates. Choose a reliable company and do your research to find out which one fits your budget, and read up on reviews and customer experiences to avoid getting scammed. Look for services that offer worldwide views and do not just provide views from third world countries as that may cause suspicion.
When choosing a company make sure they accept a safe form of payment such as PayPal or Bitcoin. Try to avoid entering your credit card number directly into the website.
Never give the company or website your YouTube password. No company should ever need this to increase your views.

Mohd fouad Web Developer

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