Friday 29 December 2017

How Life Alters So Quickly.

How Life Alters So Quickly.

So I guess everyone on this planet has been through this situation where you find that your whole days is crappy .. perhaps the same situation would last for weeks .. but once you get a spark of chill in your life everything actually changes for the better .. everyone smiles when they see you and greet you like they haven't seen u in ages you feel in a quite delicate life where you are optimistic and smiling for everything .. but then you realize .. why did this happen in the first place .. did I do some action that made this all possible ? ..

here is a story of mine ..
a day would pass not talking to anyone .. playing video games all day long going to the gym .. being almost alone and no one really cares about my existence .. go to the college of mine .. and it just passes really quickly I get to greet my friends which would ignore me in an extremely harsh manner I go to my room .. listen to some music ( which I would normally die to hear ) but I find it ugly and boring ,. I get tucked in my bed hug my pillow .. look at my social media messages like dozens of times .. but never get a sentence from anyone.
The Next Morning, I wake up depressed from the day before, I have my breakfast .. yet get a call from a friend .. a friend that will never leave me .. he says hi .. I just show my true happiness on phone and then we hang up .. I just get a chill , a great one to be precise .. I go on my instagram page to find that a favorite page of mine has posted something that hits the core of my problems .. and the whole day changes :) I become much more optimistic I don't wait for people to smile to me when I get closer .. I would crack laughing and giggling a mile away from them .. I'd call people that I miss .. go and have a ride on my bike greeting whoever I get through .. better yet .. people start approaching me and being nicer to me in an such a wonder way that couldn't never be explained but by saying .. when you get positive thoughts .. some sort of that chill you get .. gets transferred somehow to reach other .. and you feel like life is laughing and everything is awesome .. till 2 days later where things gets as miserable as they were during that period of sadness.

How do I Explain This ?

Well it's really simple actually .. since I'm a god believer I'd say this :
God actually knows how you feel how you act towards life .. and knows that you will be nothing .. if he didn't put you to a stress every once in a while to see how you could handle it .. and as long as you give up to what you are going through .. god will increase the difficulty of the situation till you feel like you will commit suicide in any moment .. that's when he shows you a little bit of bright stuff .. and put you to another test ..
why would he do that .. well, because he knows that once you are happy all the time .. having everything you require .. then there's no meaning in making you live in his universe
so he wants to give you bit of hell .. bit of heaven
and don't you ever say that your life is always miserable .. you just never had the dignity to slap that bit$h called life when she tries to beat you.

Just never mind about what you will be going through .. just make sure that you will be able to fight back .. With OPTIMISM and NOT GIVING A DAMN ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING
Mohd fouad Web Developer

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